Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dining Room

Having a dining room was a requirement that Mark and I had settled on when we were house hunting.

When we had seen the for sale sign in front of this house we said to ourselves
"If the staircase is straight ahead from the front door and there is a dining room, we want it."
Well if you remember from the foyer post, the staircase is straight ahead and to the right of that is the dining room.
Mark and I had purchased a formal dining room set about a year before and we didn't want to have to sell it or cram it into a kitchen area, it just wouldn't fit.
So a dining room was a major selling feature to us, not alot of homes now days have this lovely area.

We are also very fortunate because having this extra table space has turned this room into our school room as well. During the week we have A-frame bulletin boards set up on the table so each girl has a
private space of her own to work in.

I have always wanted a room specifically just as a class room but our home just doesn't have that one extra room, but we have made the best of this and I actually enjoy being in the centre of the house because if the girls are all working independently I can slip into the kitchen or laundry room and catch up on some small household chores. 
So this works for us.

Until next time,  Joceline

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